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Ningbo auqi Automatic Instrument Equipment Co. Ltd.

Chen Kang (Sales)


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Thermocouple temperature measurement?


Is a kind of temperature sensing element, is a kind of instrument, thermocouple directly measuring temperature. Closed loop composed of 2 different components of the conductor, due to the different materials, different electron density generated electron diffusion, stable equilibrium after a potential. When the temperature gradient at the two ends there, the loop will have current, thermoelectric EMFs, temperature difference is bigger, the current would. After the thermal electromotive force measured can know the temperature value. The thermocouple is in fact an energy converter, which converts the heat energy into electrical energy.
Thermocouple technology advantage: thermocouple temperature measurement range, performance comparison stability; high - precision measurement, thermocouple and the object to be tested in direct contact without intermediate medium; fast thermal response time, thermocouple for temperature responsive; large measuring range, thermocouple from -40~+ 1600 DEG C can be continuous temperature measurement; the reliable performance of the thermocouple, mechanical strength. Long service life, easy installation.
Couple must be by two kind of different but with certain requirements of the conductor (or semiconductor) material to form a loop. Thermocouple measuring end and reference point must have a temperature difference between.
Two different materials of conductor or semiconductor A and B are welded together to form a closed loop. When there is a temperature difference between the conductor A and the B two rigid points 1 and 2, the electric potential is generated between the two, so the current in the loop is formed, which is called the thermoelectric effect. Thermocouple is the application of this effect to work.